How it all began
Between A block and the primary school lay an overgrown section of land that received plenty of beautiful sunlight but was not being used. The
Earth & Environmental Science students were learning about climate change and wanted to create a sustainability project, which led to the
creation of the native food and medicine garden.
Where it is located
The garden can be found on the north side of the school, just outside of A block. Slightly hidden from the day-to-day school life, the garden offers a tranquil setting
for the plants to grow and for students to visit. Here, students can learn about the different native food and medicine plants. Two large signs, just outside the garden,
display the map of the plant locations.
A garden to learn from
Australian native plants have adapted to our dry climate and poor-quality soil. Unfortunately, the wonderful variety of flavours
in our native plants is often not well known or grown. This garden aims to encourage others to discover the wonderful variety of
Australian native food and medicine plants.